Thursday, November 29

So...... I've been thinking about Christmas and winter break a lot lately.  Could it be because of the Christmas music that is constantly playing in my bedroom....?  Anyway, I feel like there is so much to do!!!!!!! I want to make Christmas cards, and bake like a hundred different types of cookies!  but i still have school work to do, and my bed room needs to be cleaned, and other work needs to be done. oh well i guess the season will come soon enough!

for thanksgiving, we went for a walk in the woods with family after we had a big dinner at my aunt's.   i was wearing purple flats. not exactly hiking shoes. or tennis shoes.  or shoes that should be walked through wet slippery leaves!   But anyways, i got some good pictures and these are two of them :)



  1. Oh wow those are really pretty, girl! :) Yeah, I wanna like, get in the Christmas spirit, like you said, bake cookies, make cards, Christmas shopping, wrapping, but I can't even walk around my room, I literally can't see the floor, and I'm to lazy. so yeah... haha!

  2. Hey there! I love your blog! You take very good pictures. :) Felling good to be your 18th follower!!!! :D

  3. Those are great pictures! I know exactly how you feel. I have so much I want to do for Christmas, but so much I need to do, like chores and homework. I wish chores and homework could do themselves, then I would be busy getting all ready for Christmas! Christmas is so much fun! :)
