Wednesday, June 13

Sibling Interview- Kirsten

I was just now reading The Princess in Budboots and she had interviewed one of her siblings. It was so cute and funny... i got inspired and did it to my 5 year old sister Kirsten. Here it is, pretty much word for word :)
How old are you? - 4, I mean 5! 5
What is your favorite color? - can i do more?
Yes - light blue, dark blue, pink, light green and purple
Do you like dresses or pants better? - I like... both. ;)
What kind of pet would you want? - a kitten and a doggy. oh and a horse.
Would you want a giant stuffed animal? one as big as the door?  - no
Why not? - because nobody would play with it... not even me.
    what are you going to tell me now??
Do you want to be a mother? lol - yes
What do you like to do most? - playing wii is my favorite thing to do.
What do you hate doing? - nothing
Do you like to take pictures? - uh-hu. yes. yes Kiara!
What is your favorite thing in nature? - uhh... taking pictures. swinging
Do you like pillows? - mmmmm, ya
Shoes or bare feet? - shoes
what should the last question be? - what is you favorite butterfly?
the orange and black ones
What is your favorite butterfly? - the normal ones

I just took a bunch of pictures of her and these are the only two that are not blurry!

~ kiara


  1. Awe... ^_^ Younger siblings are so awesome...^_^ I have 6 of them... ^+^ ages 17 (*well almost* He tells everyone he's 17... ^_^ haha, but he will be come the 22nd.) to 7 =) And then I have 3 older sibs... ^+^ I <3 big many are in your family?

    See yah,
